Here are the formulas for #sensitivity, #specificity, #negative predictive value (NPV), and #positive predictive value (PPV):

Sensitivity (True Positive Rate)
Sensitivity = TP / (TP + FN)

Specificity (True Negative Rate)
Specificity = TN / (TN + FP)

Positive Predictive Value (PPV)
PPV = TP / (TP + FP)

Negative Predictive Value (NPV)
NPV = TN / (TN + FN)


  1. TP = True Positives (correctly identified as having the condition)
  2. TN = True Negatives (correctly identified as not having the condition)
  3. FP = False Positives (incorrectly identified as having the condition)
  4. FN = False Negatives (incorrectly identified as not having the condition)

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